From Milk to Meat; Ready for your Journey?

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Our mission is to fulfill the will of God as He has called us to teach His gospel; with a desire to bring back a Spiritual excitement for God the Father, Jesus the Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.

Starting with the Lost, the un-churched, the Saved and then the community, through Teaching, Preaching, Prayer, Soul Winning Ministries and Living by the Will of God.

Whole Armor Christian Life Center

EPH. 6:11

Prayer Request and Contact Information

In everyone’s life there comes a time when Prayer Warriors are needed. We at Whole Armor have an army of Warriors just waiting for your request.

We call this ministry :

 P.U.S.H. - Pray Until Something Happens!

Just call or email us your prayer request and we will contact you to pray with you and take your issues boldly to the Throne of God of grace and mercy during our Intercession Prayer time.

Ephesians 6:18 reads: “By means of all prayer and petition, praying at every time in spirit and watching unto this in all perseverance and petition concerning all the saints”

Pastor Gary L. Hopkins


To contact us:

5501 77 Center Dr. Ste.100 Charlotte, NC 282217
Phone: 704-904-0830
Fax: 704-708-8550

Prayer Request

Whole Armor Christian Life Center

Pastor Hopkins believes in praying without ceasing; in season and out of season, thorough the good times and the bad. He puts prayer as a priority and would be more than happy to include you and yours in his daily prayers!  Contact him via email or phone and speak with him on your prayer request.

Whole Armor Prayer List

· Hopkins Family

· Barrett Family

· Norman Family

· Helms Family

· Hill Family

· Jackson Family

· Edwards Family

· Jamerson Family

· Cox Family

· Craft Family

· Gill Family

· Bledsoe Family

· King Family

· Whitt Family

· Russell Family

· Hopkins-Smith Family

· Madison Family

· Graves Family

· Foster Family

· White Family

· Clark Family

· Kipp Family

· Carpenter Family

· George Family

· Orso Family

· Cooper Family

· Mcillwain Family

· Holman Family

· McCoy Family

· Alouia Family

· Spencer Family

· Williams Family

· Moore Family

· Tate Family

· Baskerville Family

· Campbell Family

· Kennedy Family

· Woodruff Family

· Clark Family

· Hall Family

· Morris Family

· Barnes Family

· Manuel-Smith Family

· Crew Family

· Morris Family

· Grace Family

· Walker Family

· Hatsfield Family

· Daley Family

· Jacobsen Family

· Everhart Family

· Cook Family

· Lawson Family

· Drayton Family

· Rickman Family

· Stringfellow Family

Heavenly Father, we are thankful for Your mighty armor You have provided for us. We put on the whole armor of God: The Helmet of Salvation; the Breastplate of Righteousness; the Girdle of Truth; Sandals of Peace; the Shield of Faith which protects us from all fiery darts of the enemy; and we pick up the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God that we choose to use against all the forces of evil in our lives. We place on our feet the Sandals of Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Kingdom of God. We ask You Lord according to John 14:13-14, to be our Guard and a Shield about us. Take us into the cleft of the Rock and underneath Your Mighty Wings according to Psalm 91. We put Your Armor on us and these families on our pray list and live and pray in complete dependence upon You, and pray in the Spirit at all times and on all occasions. To God be the Glory, Amen!